Saturday, August 31, 2019

Promoting Healthy Habits Essay

During the last decades, the increase of obesity and eating disorders has tripled among young children. Therefore the topic of our assignment is how to promote healthy eating in children and centres. During our work term internship we noticed that the meals offered were not healthy food. The issue regarding healthy and nutrition in child care centres is important because it is very concerning that in a decade children have become very unhealthy. They prefer to eat meals that are not nutritious. As stated above in our work term we notice the food that was often given was oily and fried. As leaders in the field we have to make ECE’s and other adults more aware of how important it is for children to remain health. It is important for educators in centers to promote healthy habits in younger children because child obesity has increased by 10 percent in children ages from 2-5 and 15 percent in children ages 6-19. (Haschke, B. 2003) . Also the impact this will have if resolved is that children will be that having good nutrition will have a positive impact on the wellbeing, growth and development of children. Methodology There were two methods used to collect information for this project. The first method was to retrieve the centre’s menu to examine. We were able to obtain one menu that was used for that week. This menu included both the lunches and snacks served for that one week. After we had gotten access to a menu from the centre we used it to compare with the recommended number of food guide servings per day. The other method we used was going into the centre and conducting an observation. The purpose of the observation was to see if the centre did follow the menu and how they were promoting healthy and nutrition. On Friday October 19, 2012 we as a group both Faizah and Khoulah went to X child care center to observe what food the center serves and prepares for the children. We had arrived at the center early in the morning at 8am and left at 2:30pm. We had observed the cooking staff to see how they prepare and cook the food for the children and also to see if they were following their menu plan. Findings Analysis While analyzing the information gathered three merging themes were noticed, they were inconsistent with planned meals, the amount of unhealthy food rovided and food portions. The first thing we did was obtain the centre’s menus. When we received the menu it only displayed meal planning for that week. So to see how the centre was promoting healthy eating we got their menu to compare with Canada’s food guide. When comparing we came across that on average per week children are only given meats and alternatives 0. 4 time a day meaning it is only served twice a week (Appendix A, graph 1). While Canada’s food guide recommend meats and alternatives be recommended once a day (Appendix A). When analyzing the two together we learned the centre was providing fruits and vegetables accordance to Canada’s food guide. The centre served fruits and vegetables on average four times a day; this is also the recommended number of servings in Canada’s Food Guide. While Grain products were being served twice a day on average, when Canada’s food guide recommends 3 servings a day. During our observation of X child care we had gathered information from the center that we didn’t know. We had learned that the center wasn’t following their menu plan for that day. According to the menu during lunch time the meal provided was supposed to be fish sticks and sweet potatoes with carrots, grapes and bread butter on the side with milk. However on Friday when we went to observe children were given French fries, chicken nuggets, apples and fruit juice. The same had happened throughout the whole day. When we talked to the Chef she said they had gone over their budget and this was all that was available. This allowed us to see how inconsistent they were when implementing the meals for that day. They provide one meal while having written on the menu another. Another observation we came across was the center was deep frying the food for the children rather than using a healthier alternative for that day. For example instead of frying the chicken nuggets and French fries, the chef could have baked them. They had also not provided any vegetables or milk throughout the day with any of the meals that was given to the children. The centre’s staffs were also giving 100% juice to the children without adding water to it to lessen the amount of sugar. While exploring the centre we noticed that they did not have any posters or brochures on health and nutrition on the wall. Having this information could be beneficial for not only the centre staff but, for parents as well. In X child care we observed there being no portion control. The educators were over feeding children by giving them more food than needed. Also if a child wasn’t hungry after eating and had food left over, educators would force the child to eat all of the food so it wouldn’t go to waste. These are the information we gathered while collecting data through the observation and analyzing the menu. Limitations We only came across one big limitation when it came to our findings. The limitation is in regards to us being only able to observe for one day. Our method at first was to collect the centres menu and go in to observe for two days. When we had talked to the centre they had agreed at firs but, later on we found out that due to a special guest coming in we could only observe for a day. This only allowed us to see what they were serving for that day. On Friday October the 19th the centre did not follow the menu at all and served different meals. If we were given the opportunity to come in another day we could see if that inconsistency with the menu was only that day or not. However due to the circumstance that was not able to happen. This limited us in able to gather information in regards to what meals were given and if they did in fact follow the menu. Another limitation faced was having access to only one menu that only had planned meals for that week so we were only able to compare one weeks’ worth of planned meals with the Canadian food guide as opposed to a month. If we had access to one moth meal plan it would make our data more reliable. Evaluation Criteria for Solutions As viewed in the finding analysis when doing observations in X child care Faizah and I noticed a few problem in regards to healthy eating and the meals served. The centre was not serving the meals as written on their menu for the week and they had no posters or brochures about how to promote healthy eating and there was no Canada’s food guide. There are four criteria to evaluate the solutions upon they are cost, time, food portions, accessibility and availability. The reason for choosing these four criteria are based on the issues that were found in X child care centre and how evaluating the solutions based on these can help implement the solutions in a more effective way. One problem identified in child care X was that they served different meals opposed to what was planned because they ran out of food and their budget did not allow any room for more costs. So evaluating our solution based on cost would help see if a solution is possible with accordance to their budget. Also the reasoning behind choosing accessibility nd availability was the question what foods are available in the centre if unhealthy options are available how can you change that to offer more healthy alternatives and would they be more accessible. The criteria of time is viewed as the centre having enough time to implement these changes and based on how they cook the meals. Do they have enough time to bake or fry some of the meals. Another issue found when analyzing the information gathered was the food portions. By viewing food portions one can see how providing to much food involves loss of inventory and waste of food. By evaluating solutions based on food potions the centre will get a sense of how much to buy. Which can also benefit the budget. With these problems I have come up with solutions. The solutions are: 1. Displaying attractive, current promotional materials (e. g. posters and displays, etc) related to healthy eating. 2. Participating in professional development opportunities and activities related to healthy eating, this may include Eat right Ontario, the Eat Smart! Program. and Nutrition Month activities.   3.  Revamp menu that can be followed through with and incorporate more healthy food options that can fit in you budget without going over . When viewing the possible solutions we examined the strengths and weakness of how this can affect the child care centre by using the four criteria. When examining the first solution proposed displaying attractive, current promotional materials (e. g. posters and displays ect) related to healthy eating we came across possible benefits in implementing it. By having posters and displays will allow parents to implement health eating habits at home and continue what the centre is doing. Also having posters show how committed the centre in promoting healthy and nutrition among children . A Passionate environment allows others to learn about various nutritional ideas. Also by having a bulletin board regarding healthy and nutrition the centre can gather resources from the community such as referrals for parents that want more information on healthy eating for children. However with these benefits we came across some implications that may affect the centre wanting to create posters/ bulletin boards. The negatives that come with this solution is the cost of getting all the materials for the bulletin board such as, poster, decoration and copies of flyers/brochures. Another negative would be the amount of time it will take to create posters, receive resources from the community and decorate the display. For the second solution Participating in professional development opportunities and activities related to healthy eating the benefits were increases the knowledge and awareness of Educators for them to implement healthy eating with in the classroom, accessible and available for all. One ECE goes and reports back to centre and staff about what they learned and implementing learned material at professional developmental programs to benefit the centre. Some issues that may arise with this solution are that that the professional developmental program cost varies and the child care may not have enough staff to cover if one goes to professional developmental program. The last solution proposed for this problem is to Revamp/create a new menu for the child care centre that can be followed through with incorporating more healthy food options that fit in the budget. The benefits for this solution are that it creates a healthier environment can be revised to fit budget, parents might adapt that healthy environment at home. The negatives surrounding this solution is that it is time consuming having to look at your budget and design a new menu that has to be implemented, cost May vary at the beginning of recreating the menu.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Determination Lesson Essay

The greatest lesson I have learned in my life thus far. I have found this to be true in most aspects of my life, for all of my growth and success has come as a result of determination and perseverance. No matter how desperate the situation may be, no matter how badly it seems I will succeed. While I had experience failures and hardships, this experience taught me the most valuable lessons, making me a stronger person and building the character which drives the individual I am today. I was raised in a small household and participated in many different things growing up. Since I was young, I have striven to achieve my goals; I call it a â€Å"determination to succeed.† Without a â€Å"determination to succeed,† giving up in life, when a situation seems impossible to overcome, becomes second nature. The methods one uses to overcome the challenges faced in life affects how one acquires success. For example, my ancestors did not overcome their struggle for equality without s elf-determination to better their lives. Thus, their lives have been an inspiration for me. The motivation to excel, though sometimes forgotten in my generation, is a quality that needs nourishment. My parents taught me that it takes hard work and to be successful. They pushed me to follow my dreams from a young age child which has carried over into my adulthood. Their guidance and belief in me gave me the strength to believe in myself, which I consider to be main reason I have experienced so much success in my life so far. I learned to go back to school to get my degree. Learning is a never-ending road, and I truly believe that I must continue to learn in order to improve and excel in my career, as well in all other areas of life. During my first year at Wayne County Community College I developed a passion for the field of associates of arts and associates of general study’s degree. I enjoyed learning about all my classes, but found that analyzing the two degrees that I’m within the school to ensure efficient operation is very exciting and motivating for me. Although the opportunity was present, I knew it would take hard work and a great deal of learning to understand how to be successful. The experience my desire to learn and motivations to succeed are constantly growing stronger. I want to take this characteristics into my graduate studies, so that I may continue to develop on a different level. I believe the knowledge and experience I will receive with an associate’s degree will give me the expertise I need to excel in my future career. My greatest achievements in life is undoubtedly my greatest failures in life. To learn from my mistakes which I have lived all my life and will continue to live by. All my life all other humans have made mistake. However unlike others, I have squeezed through these huge walls of mistakes and have come out as reformed individual, with a positive outlook on life. They say that experience is the best teacher and what better way to get experience than from my own mistakes. May it be in terms of academic, self-reform or even in helping others, I have made mistakes? But I have never let them overpower my confidence and perseverance to succeed in life. It is rightfully said that mistakes are the stepping stone for success. In my past, I have countless mistakes, and thus I assume that I am on the right path. The desire to do off beaten-path things takes away my fear of failure and lets me take risks without thinking about the outcome. I have always tried to remain consistent throughout my en tire academic life, but to err is human, and that I am. By this I mean to say that like others

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Owens & Minor Case Study Solution Essay

1. What is the value-added by Owens and Minor? Is this value-addition visible? * They own and manage the inventory for the manufacture * They take on the financial risk associated with the function of managing the inventory flow to the hospitals. * They care for product returns and carry the risk for that. * They carry the receivables (cash flow issues due to long payment terms of customers; actually a 90 days credit) * They carry and manage most of the inventory for the hospitals, which are sometimes even running stockless. * They track and verify customer prices for contracted product purchases and monitor agreements between end-users and manufacturers * The distribution has changed in a way that hospitals required the distributors to carry more of the inventory and making more deliveries in lower units of measure, while keeping the same originally negotiated prices. This has put a stronger burden on the distributors. * Owens & Minor creates a clear value-add for both manufacturers and suppliers. Manufactures usually only want to produce and sell the product before getting it out of the door * Hence Owens and Minor takes the full responsibility for all stressful parts of selling a product. On the other hand customers don’t want to buy and own products before they are ready to use it. * Thus Owens and Minor also enables them to achieving more efficient structures, while reducing additional costs related to managing efficiently. 2. Evaluate the impact cost-plus pricing has on distributors, customers, and suppliers. Distributors: * Services related to inventory management are not included properly, since the percentage they gain is the same for all products. Whether they are cheap and efficiently to handle or rather problematic. Hence costs will skyrocket if customers will ask for additional services (while keeping the same price). * They have the drawback of customers engaging in cherry-picking and only enabling the distributors to manage low-margin, inexpensive products. Customers: * Cost-plus pricing lead to a complicated pricing structures, since distributors and customers negotiated separate product prices from manufacturers, introduced incentives, let prices vary from customer to  customer, covered some products by contract and some don’t etc. * Hence purchasing managers were nearly unable to properly track actual product costs and compare quotes from competing manufacturers and distributors. Suppliers: * Suppliers have no motivation to try to reduce costs and increase efficiencies since profits remain the same. * Market demand is not taken into consideration. If a supplier has a markup, which takes the reseller’s price point beyond current market prices, the reseller’s demand will decrease dramatically. 3. What effect will ABP have on customer behavior? Provide an example to illustrate. ABP connects O&M‘s fee to the level of the service they provide * Customer is motivated to keep its activities down to a minimum level and only order services that he really needs * Customers who want to extend their service-level can get this because there is a way for O&M to price a higher service-level * ABP helps customers to optimize their service-level and hence their costs. 4. What are the obstacles to successful implementation of ABP at Ideal? How would you address these obstacles? * Internal systems at hospitals (e.g. budgeting, compensation) were tied to cost-plus percentages. * Product prices with cost-plus percentages were used to determine transfer pricing between hospital departments * Technological barriers: Customer has to change to an EDI system (electronical data input) * Hospital would have to change its systems and procedures for material handling * For a hospital to benefit it would have to be willing to change and shed personnel, equipment and warehousing space. * Culture of hospitals (e.g. surgeons have different preferences for many operating room supplies) O&M‘s response: * Offered to convert the activity fee to a cost-plus equivalent * O&M‘s logistical services worked closely with customers moving to ABP to help them realign processes and institute cost savings.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Strategic Analysis of Ebay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Strategic Analysis of Ebay - Essay Example Internal Analysis eBay has a strong base of 30 million subscribers (Hill and Jones, 2011: 123) and this include buyers and sellers who spend a lot of time and resources buying and/or selling on the website. Ebay is always listed amongst the pioneering entities and they started putting the internet to economic use in 1995 alongside the biggest names like Yahoo and Amazon (Hill and Jones, 2011: 122). This puts them in the category of the largest entities with the biggest brand recognition. According to Haberberg and Rieple (2010: 182), eBay has the most competent public relations officials and they come up with strong strategies to ensure that consumers are interested in their services. Ebay also has niche markets in different parts of the world and this is quite specialised and enables the company to get important returns and results in different areas. For instance, in 2005, eBay claimed that in an average day, according to their sales per minute, they trade one comic book in France, one mobile phone in China and one car in the United States (Haberberg and Rieple, 2010: 182). This shows the power of their technological capabilities and strengths. The company also aims at continuous improvement of their capabilities (Singh, 2009: 311). eBay spends significant sections of their income towards the acquisition of new companies like the acquisition of PayPal to support in e-commerce (Campos, 2007: 19). This kind of horizontal integration provides important competitive advantage in the industry.

Mini-Project (Second) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mini-Project (Second) - Essay Example All management projects contain risks of one sort or another. These arise from interactions between the project objectives and uncertainty. A risk is â€Å"an uncertain event which, should it occur, would have an effect on achieving the objectives†. (APM PRAM Guide, 1997) The business, technical and project risks are listed below. The impact level of each risk is stated in the table, and these are given ratings and assigned priorities. Important recommendations are given on how the risks should have been managed. 6. Change in production train specification made it necessary to add another five feet to the length of the new building (only discovered when holding down bolts for the new train were laid out on site). Similarly for catalogue descriptions and specifications for other equipment 6. Manufacturing drawings for the critical long-lead equipment sat in a junior clerk’s in-tray awaiting approval and caused a two week delay and contributing to a later construction schedule conflict in tying-in the new services Uncertainty (or probability of occurrence) is classified as either very low (1), low (2), medium (3), high (4) or very high (5). The impact level is graded and scored the same. The two figures are multiplied to give the priority rating. The fact that not all stakeholders’ roles were clearly defined and especially that the project managers were not even aware of the importance of some stakeholders until much later was a great risk. For instance, â€Å"The VP Production and VP Sales and Estimating were important stakeholders who got involved in the project much later than they should have been.† (Group 1) And, the local inspection authority’s latest safety standards were not taken into account for the paint disposal arrangements. This was a potential environmental risk. The inadequate pre-planning was another great risk and an important part of this was project design, budgeting and scheduling.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Individual Business report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Individual Business report - Essay Example (ABGL 2008). Company operates on B2B business model and resells its product i.e. biodiesel to different fuel blenders for onward resell to commercial, government as well as retail users within the country. ABGL is intending to further exploit growth opportunities into those markets. As a part of its future expansion plans, the company is planning to enter into Malaysian Market where it intends to assist different project developers in setting up biodiesel plants by entering into a project which will allow it to manufacture its entire product in Malaysia. Malaysia witnessed one of the most predictable and stable political government in the region with Dr. Mahathir Mohammed at the helm of affairs for almost 22 years however after his resignation in 2003, country’s political system does not seem to stable and predictable as country’s political leaders are still facing strong differences in create a potential replacement of Dr. Mahathir. (Jacques, 2008). Malaysia is a Federal parliamentary Monarchy with Prime Minister as the head of the State. The country is a multiple party in nature with more than 25 registered political parties actively participating in the politics of the country. Australia and Malaysia share a very frictional history of relationship between them as historically the relations did not remained cordial however recent initiatives signaled change into the relationship of both the countries. The trade ties are increasingly becoming friendlier and there is now significant cross border trade between both the countries. (Baker, 2004). Malaysia achieved unprecedented economic growth in past and is often considered as a leading economy within Muslim world. Being in closer proximity with Australia, country provides one of the most lucrative options to build good economic relations. Though, during Mahathir’s era,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing plan - Essay Example The third objective is to increase customer loyalty significantly and turn at least 30 percent of its customers into repeat customer during the season. The company will use television advertisements, bill boards, and social media to market its brand to its main target market which is the young population of Hull City. The strategy of market penetration will be adopted by the company to increase its market share. The company will also use the occasion of Christmas and the tradition of gift giving in its marketing messages to the young population of Hull City. Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 SWOT Analysis 4 Marketing Objectives 5 Target Markets 6 Product Offering 7 Brand Positioning 8 Marketing Strategies 9 Consumer Behavior 9 Marketing Mix for the Marketing Strategy 10 Implementation and Control 13 Budget 14 Appendix 16 Figure 2: Balance Scorecard of Chocolate Industry UK 17 Source: Trading Vision 17 Introduction The Christmas season is good for the retail industr y as it is a season where people exchange gifts. The season offer immense opportunities for businesses all over United Kingdom. Chocolate industry like other similar industries also experience significant increase in sales in the Christmas season (Holmes, 2009). Thorntons is a famous chocolate company of United Kingdom having presence all over the country (Thorntons, 2012). ... A detailed budget will also be presented in the marketing plan. In the marketing plan specific steps will be discussed that the company can use to increase its sales in the Hull City. The marketing plan will aim at increasing the sales of the company in the Christmas season. SWOT Analysis s Strengths Weaknesses Established Brand Name (See figure 2 in Appendix) Rich History Established Infrastructure in Markets Good Public Image Reduced Sales Confused Pricing Strategy Consistent Profitability issues Issues in Distribution Opportunities Threats Growing Chocolate Industry Young population of Hull City Seasons like Christmas and Easter Governmental regulation regarding food marketing and chocolate sizes Increasing competition in the industry Ethical issues reading Cocoa farmers Marketing Objectives The main marketing objective of Thorntons is to increase its sales in the Christmas season in the Hull City. As discussed above the sales of chocolate increase significantly in the Christmas s eason (Sweet Retailing, 2011) and therefore the company has a vast market in front of it. Thorntons should follow the strategy of market penetration in order to increase its sales in the Christmas season. Market penetration strategy helps the company increase its market share (Proctor, 2000). The strategy of market penetration is very appropriate for the company at this particular point because its overall sales are reducing and this strategy will help the company remedy this weakness. The company also has a rich history and well established brand name in the market and it can use it to attract more sales. The company should have three specific marketing objectives. The first objective should be to increase its sales by at least 25 percent from October to December. This is

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Different subject Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Different subject - Essay Example The working of Electricity generators is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. The principle can be illustrated as induction of flow of electrons by a moving conductor in a field influenced by magnet. This it is a simple principle that leads to major achievements in the spectrum of development and growth of industries. It is the principle that Faraday succeeded to prove that a rotary mechanical motion can induce or generate electricity. Devices that produce electricity with the help of mechanical motion are termed as electric generators. The mechanical motion can be assisted in many ways it can be pressurized water moving water wheel, steam engine, wind turbine, and internal combustion engine etc but the basic principle is same in all the cases. With the evolution of electric generators and electrical field, many areas of human life are optimized in best manner; anything can be powered anytime with utmost customization potential. The reverse process of converting elect rical energy into mechanical energy is achieved through motors that have similar components as in electric generators. Mechanism and Principle of Working All elements are composed of atoms. ... If the same metallic wire is placed around a magnetic field and the magnetic field is subjected to motional variation then some amount of voltage appear across the wire that causes the electric charges to flow through the passage. The faster the field is subjected to change the higher the voltage produced and higher the charges flow. This means a moving magnetic field drives the electrons present in the metallic wire. However there is a requirement that the circuit of the wire remains closed if incase the circuit is open the motion of magnetic field will not affect the charges and charges will remain static. This simply means that a moving magnetic field can induce current in a closed circuit, and this is the basic principle of physics that is discussed earlier as electromagnetic induction. In the case of generators there is not a single wire but there are bunch of wires all connected in series with each other so that the total potential difference induced in a generator is the sum o f all potential differences induced in each single wire and so on. It actually explains that if there are thousand windings this means the magnitude of potential difference of a generator is thousand times than that of a single wire in that varying magnetic field. The above discussed mechanism is of popular and known generators, which are based on electromagnetic induction, however before that there were generators that deliver electric charges but they work on the principle of electrostatic induction, but since the magnitude of such electrostatic generators were minimal and ineffective therefore the usage of such generators are now obsolete. Electrostatic induction is about generating static charge in a conductor by bringing it

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Political Science Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Political Science - Research Paper Example From the study it is clear that Charles E. Schumer became a leader who finds common sense solutions to national issues. Moreover, Schumer has built a reputation for tirelessly fighting for New York by visiting all the 62 counties each year while talking to constituents on emerging issues and finding solutions. In practicing some of his policies and implementation, on March 16, 2015, Schumer blasted the current amendments by the federal department of housing and urban development of withdraw of federal funds promised to change housing units of towns and communities around New York City. This paper concerns the federal department which promised to change local infrastructure developments in the city to march with the current economic requirements on housing. Schumer policies on national development enabled him face the federal government and insisted on development that the national government and the federal government had earlier promised communities and towns within New York City. Schumer believes in reaching people and working with then through consultations to enable development. The federal government was to bring change to the towns of Elbridge, Skaneateles, and Onondaga, which he consistently pushed for the changes the federal government had earlier promised. The federal government approved CDBG funds within the communities in September 2014 and instead it became reluctant about the development. Schumer believes in transparency and accountability of the government in accomplishing some of their duties promised to the natives.

Friday, August 23, 2019

International Business - Franchising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International Business - Franchising - Essay Example Arnold (2003) claims franchising is an under-explored entry mode in international markets but that it has been widely used in North America and Western Europe, most notably by fast food chains, hotel or car rental services. The business format is fixed, including the operation and guidelines so that its ability to adapt is limited. The same is expressed by Toncar (2005), where franchising, he said, is dependent upon the ability to provide a marketing mix that matches expectations of consumers in different cultures. But major players are said to be increasingly learning. McDonalds, for example, as described in MFFI (2003) is "thinking globally and acting locally," a fortunate global marketing strategy. This sensitivity for the locals is expressed in so many ways to include their not using beef in India in their food preparations, their not using lard also in food preparations in Muslim areas, their launching of China burger in Asia in recognition of China as market for them, their introduction of chicken sandwich the Arab way. Further, management experts credit McDonalds for its maintaining the same efficiency in time to deliver, work-processes, cleanliness, changes in their menus, and ad-campaigns which are region-specific. Their use of franchising helps them set up business all over the world. One thing that could be credited to McDonalds's success is their "location, location, location" strategy which their executives know too well (ibid.). Consider this - A friend of mine was in a seminar recently where one of the McDonald's executives was speaking. He asked the audience what kind of business they were in. Half the crowd laughed and said, "Restaurant business". "Wrong", he said. "We're in the REAL ESTATE business." If you thing about it, he's right. Think about the location that every McDonald's is at. Isn't it in a prime real estate location And McDonalds owns the land that just about every stand-alone McDonald's located at. That's a TON of equity that the company has built up over the years in each real estate location. They could sell any lot and make a killing off it compared to how much they paid for it a number of years ago. I would say the secret to McDonald's success is very similar to real estate - location, location, location. (MFFI 2003) In targeting for international growth, the first step according to Siebert (1998) is identifying the best counties for one's particular concept with such factors as franchise climate, the market for one's particular product or service, competitive factors, proximity, language barrier, political climate, and relevant legal concerns. Once a market is identified, he says one effective means of targeting prospects is the use of trade missions. Sponsored by groups such as the International Franchise Association, trade missions attempt to provide franchisors with introductions to a number of qualified candidates in each country. Accordingly, the franchisor is said to typically be responsible for their own expenses (which can run upwards of $10,000 currently), their own follow-up, and their own negotiations. The sponsoring organization is only responsible for the introduction. Another alternative Siebert (ibid.) suggests for franchisors interested in global expansion is the use of brokers. Brokers are said to work by promoting one's franchise within a particular market, and will often employ a

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Importance of Demand Analysis to a Business Enterprise Essay Example for Free

Importance of Demand Analysis to a Business Enterprise Essay Importance of demand analysis to business enterprises.They are the source of many useful insights for business decision making.The success of failure of business firms depend primarily on its ability to generate resources by satisfying the demand of consumers.The firms unable to attract consumers are soon forced out from the market. The importance of demand analysis in business decisions can be explained under following headings: Sales forecasting :The demand is a basis the sales of the production of a firm. Hence,sales forecasting can be made on the basis of demand.For example,if demand is high,sales will be high and if demand is low,sales will be low.The firms can make different arrangements to increase or reduce production or push up sales on the basis of sales forecast. Pricing decisions :The analysis of demand is the basis of pricing decisions of a firm.If the demand for the product is high,the firm can charge high price,other things remaining the same.On the contrary .If the demand is low,the firm cannot high price.The demand analysis also helps the firm in profit budgeting. Marketing decisions:The analysis of demand helps a firm to formulate marketing decisions.The demand analysis analyses and measure the forces that determine demand.The demand can be influenced by manipulating the factors on which consumers base their demand on attractive packaging. Production decisions:How much a firm can produce depends on its capacity.But how much it should produce depends on demand.Production is not necessary if their no demand.But continuous production schedule is necessary if the the demand for the production is relatively stable.If the demand is less than the quantity of production,new demand should be created by means of promotional activities such a advertising. Financial decisions :The demand condition in the marker for firms products affects the financial decisions as well.If the demand for firms product is strong and growing,the needs for additional finance will be greater.Hence,the financial manager should make necessary financial arrangement to finance the growing need of the capital.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Meaning of Life and Fast Lane Essay Example for Free

Meaning of Life and Fast Lane Essay leave well enough alone | let well enough alone Meaning: If you leave well enough alone, or let well enough alone, you dont try to improve or change something thats already good enough. For example: The kids seem happy enough now so lets just leave well enough alone and forget about finding a new school for them.? skate on thin ice- Meaning: If youre skating on thin ice, youre doing something risky, or youre in a situation that could quickly become dangerous. jockey for position- Meaning: If you jockey for position, you try to get yourself in a good position in relation to others whore competing for the same opportunity or the same goal. let the cat out of the bag Meaning: If you let the cat out of the bag, you let someone know a secret. You could have knocked me over with a feather. Meaning: You can say you could have knocked me over with a feather to show how surprised you were when something happened, or when you heard about something. add fuel to the fire If you add fuel to the fire, you do something to make a bad situation even worse. Ahead of the game You are ahead of the game if you have an advantage over your competitors in any activity in which you try to do better than others, such as in business, academia, sports, etc. all the rage Informal If something is all the rage, its very popular or its in fashion at the moment. asking for trouble If someone is asking for trouble, theyre doing something risky that could lead to a problem. itchy feet Informal If you have itchy feet, you feel the need to go somewhere different or do something different. in the long run If you talk about something in the long run, you mean over a long period of time. At cross-purposes If youre at cross-purposes with someone, you think youre both talking about the same thing but youre actually talking about different things. at loose ends If youre at loose ends, you feel restless and unsettled because you dont have anything to do. a blessing in disguise You can say something is a blessing in disguise if it appears to be bad at first, but it results in something very good in the end. back to square one If you have to go back to square one, you have to stop and start again, usually because something isnt working as well as expected. bite your tongue | hold your tongue If you bite your tongue, or hold your tongue, you force yourself not to say something you really want to to say. the icing on the cake | the frosting on the cake If something is the icing on the cake, or the frosting on the cake, it makes a good situation or a good result even better. joie de vivre If you have joie de vivre, you feel the joy of living. make hay while the sun shines If you make hay while the sun shines, you make good use of the chance to do something while it lasts. Fast friends good, loyal friends. The two of them had been fast friends since college. See also: friend fast one a clever and devious trick. (Compare this with pull a fast one. ) That was a fast one. I didnt know you were so devious. This was the last fast one like that youll ever catch me with. life in the fast lane a very active or possible risky way to live. (See also in the fast lane. ) Life in the fast lane is too much for me. See also: lane, life make short work of something to deal with or finish something quickly We made short work of the food that was put in front of us. fast and furious if an activity is fast and furious, it is done quickly and with a lot of energy The first half of the game was fast and furious with both teams scoring three goals each. Ngn av dessa till din story a queer fish Meaning: If someones a queer fish, they are a bit strange and can sometimes behave in an unusual way. For example:Your great grandfather was a queer fish, Johnny. He used to write funny poems and then hed read them aloud to everyone on the train on his way to work let the cat out of the bag Meaning: If you let the cat out of the bag, you let someone know a secret. For example: Wed planned a surprise party for Donna, but some guy she works with let the cat out of the bag, so now she knows.? Dont forget that this is a secret, so whatever you do, dont let the cat out of the bag.? †There? s an elephant in the room† – Meaning: If you make a killing, you make a lot of money from a sale or a deal of some sort. For example: My aunt made a killing when she bought some shares in a company as soon as they were issued, and sold them a few weeks later for three times what she paid.? Lots of people made a killing when property values went so high back in the nineties. †Bark is worse than his bite†, †put your money where your mouth is† – prove it.. alot of not air? all hell broke loose Meaning: You can say all hell broke loose if a situation suddenly became violent or chaotic. Bad news travels fast ’ Bad news means news about bad things like accidents, death, illness etc. People tend to tell this type of news quickly. But good news (passing an exam, winning some money, getting a job etc) travels more slowly. Least said soonest mended Possible interpretation: When we do or say something bad to someone, a long apology and discussion does not help. In such a case, the less we say the better. Its written all over your face. If you say its written all over your face, youre saying that the expression on someones face is showing their true feelings or thoughts. Group 20 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Words Relating to More Than Enough (did you get it? ) ample copious lavish myriad plethora profuse prolific superfluous surfeit Memory tips: use these mnemonics (memory devices) to boost your vocabulary. Make up your own memory clues for words in this lesson that are personally challenging. Add these tips-and your own-to your Vocabulary Notebook. Copious let yourself see the word copies within copious, and think â€Å"lots of copies. † Certainly â€Å"lots of copies† leads to the defining ideas of abundant and plentiful. Plethora Let the ple lead you to plenty. When you write plethora in your Vocabulary Notebook, underscore the ple with a colored pen or marker. Superfluous The prefix super means over and above. This knowledge is helpful because superfluous means â€Å"above what is needed; extra. â€Å" Surfeit Like super-, sur- is also a prefix meaning over and above. So a surfeit is an amount over and above what is needed. Using apperception, (http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/apperception) link a word you most likely already know, surplus, to the new word, surfeit. These two-syllable synonyms even have the same number of letters! Solidify the meaning of surfeit in your memory. Ample think of the word sample but get rid of the S. and since Ample means more than enough you can think of many samples! Lavish think of marangsvisch with lakris sas! And put the letters LA from the word Lakris instead of S. Profuse(overflodande) think about refuse and proactive, because proactive is â€Å"overflowing† with vitamins. Change the re to pro Prolific, the word productive has the same meaning, so take the PRO from productive and add it with lyric which at least makes me think of lific. So think productive lyric. Myraid (skiftande mangd) think My ride†¦ Group 19 (2nd cluster for Fall Term) Wonderful You Are! Words Relating to Praise and Respect (did you get it? ) Acclaim accolade adulate esteem eulogize exalt extol laud panegyrize revere venerate Laud If you know applaud, then simply connect the new word laud to the word you already know, applaud. The meanings of these two verbs are closely connected. Plaudits means praise. Revere You remember Paul Revere from American History, right? Now, I am sure you’ll agree that it’s only right to respect, or revere one of our nation’s Founding Fathers! Another tip: you can repeat this chant to yourself over and over â€Å"Revere the Reverend. Revere the Reverend. Revere the Reverend† Acclaim think of ass, but with cc, and slajm (slaim)! Accolade think of assa, but with cc and chocolade Adulate ad-ul-ate Esteem think of S team, but with double e Eulogize think ekoloogisk / EU logisk Exalt think Exaltera, without era, since exalterad means vara upprymd like exalt. Extol, ex stol Panegyrize think, pannkakor risgrynsgrot Venerate Think â€Å"ata vanner†, but switch place, let vanner lead you 2 Vener, and ata-ate.

Cultural Impacts Of Tourism In Mumbai

Cultural Impacts Of Tourism In Mumbai What is culture? Lederach (1995) defines culture as the shared knowledge and schemes created by a set of people for perceiving, interpreting, expressing, and responding to the social realities around them. When we think of culture, commonly we think traditions, food, language, clothes, religion and behavior. These traits can change over time if and when a particular place adapts or incorporates the culture of another. This can either have a positive or negative effect on the culture of that place. Mumbai is located on the Salsette Island which lies at the mouth of Ulhas River off the western coast of Maharashtra India in the coastal region known as the Konkan. Mumbai is classified as a metropolis of India, under the jurisdiction of the Brihan Mumbai Municipal Corporation. It consists of two distinct regions, the Mumbai City District and Mumbai Suburban District. The city region is also commonly referred to as the Island City by most media publications. There are many kinds of dishes that are native to the state of Maharashtra. Many of which are available in roadside fast food. Other popular cuisines include Lebanese, Korean, Thai, Italian, Mexican and Chinese. Mumbai is one of the most liberal cities in India, embracing concepts that would be considered taboo in other parts of the country. Mumbais culture has been heavily influenced by western culture which gives many tourists familiarity. Some could argue that Mumbai has already lost a lot of its culture to cosmopolitan culture. Climate in Mumbai is warm and humid. There are four seasons the city experiences. During the months of December to February, cool weather exists from December to February and hot weather from March to May. The monsoon season lasts from June to September and is followed by the post-monsoon season, which lasts through October and November, when the weather is again hot. Monthly temperatures vary from 91 degrees in May to 67 degrees Fahrenheit in January. Annual rainfall is about 70 inches with an average of 24 occurring in July alone. Before tourism development, Mumbai (formerly Bombay) was originally a group of seven islands on the Konkan coastline, occupied by Koli fishermen. It wasnt until Sultan Muhamed Begada took over the islands, where Mumbai was colonized by the Hindus. A Portuguese traveler named Vasco da Gama was the first person to explore the route to Mumbai which led to the discovery of the islands and the attack by the Portuguese to capture the islands in 1534. The Portuguese built a parish, several forts and churches, but realized there was no value in them. In 1661, Catherine of Braganza, sister of the Portuguese King, offered these islands as a gift to Charles II of England. Having no use for the islands, Charles II leased them to the British East India Company in 1661. This was the beginning of British rule. This trading company built docks, trading posts, and forts because of its strategic location. Mumbai developed into an important trading post. Governer Gerald Aungier persuaded businessmen from all over the country to come and settle in Mumbai. Mumbai developed into a major commercial center. In the 18th century, population increased significantly and by the 19th century there was construction of buildings, monuments, railway stations, offices, banks. With the introduction of the Great Indian Peninsular Railways, the city received an improved means of transportation. After Indias independence from British rule in 1947, India was restructured into Bombay state. In 1960 when, Maharashtra state came to existence, Bombay, now Mumbai became the capital. There are positive effects tourism can have on a destination. One example would be the host communities residents sharing their culture in addition to those visiting the communities. Other benefits may include the host may include community pride, tolerance and a stronger sense of ethnic identity (Velachis, 2010). The other positive effects of tourism are the cultural exchange, the resurgence of local traditions, and an enhanced image for the community. The perception of India to westerners is of an exotic destination. Then there negative images still associated with it such as poverty, poor health, sanitation, and inferior infrastructure (Jafari, 2000). Tourism in Mumbai would have a positive effect on the community as it would break the stereotypical perception of India. Mumbai is the definition of urban India. It can be said that Mumbai the New York of India, as it is the city that never sleeps with its residents leading a fast-paced life and high rise structures. The involvement of the local communities is an important factor for visitor satisfaction. The hosts for tourism are the local community and they participate directly in the tourism experience, helping to define the sense of place and atmosphere of regions (Arzeni, 2009). The support of the local community is essential in developing cultural experiences for tourists. Ever since the success of the film, Slumdog Millionaire, slum tourism has been a growing attraction in India. The Dharavi slum, located in Mumbai, is the largest slum in Asia. This Slumdog setting is what grew peoples curiosity. Slum tourism can have a positive impact by introducing the positive side of the slums and dispelling the negative. Besides the obvious economic benefits it brings, it can give tourists some insight to their lives and create awareness of the situation. Despite the poverty and its bleak appearance, the people living in these slums are hard working with a strong spirit and sense of community (Ward, 2 010). It can change the preconceived notion they may have had about these slums. It can be seen as a positive that there is a combination of Mumbai culture as well as Western culture. Many locals in Mumbai celebrate both these culture. Many festivals held in Mumbai allow tourists to have a look into the Mumbai culture because they are able to celebrate along with the locals while at the same time interacting with them. This mutual relation encourages a cross-cultural communication that can support understanding between the host and guests (Valachis, 2009). Residents alike are educated about the world outside without leaving their homes, while visitors learn considerably about a unique culture. Another positive outcome that tourism brings is to Mumbais economy. The entire country of India is dependent on tourism, as tourism is its largest service industry. Tourism in Mumbai has served as a tool for income and employment generation, lessoning poverty and sustainable human development. It contributes 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% of the total employment in India (Tourism Statistics, 2008). Business tourism is quickly growing and according to the World Travel and Tourism Council, an international tourism trade organization, Indian business tourism will contribute over $14.2 billion to the economy in 2011. Not only does this benefit the economy, it will allow business traveler a glimpse of Mumbais culture and give the opportunity to explore diverse activities in juxtaposition to their business agendas. The common impacts in the destination occur from the tourist activities. These impacts include the revitalization or commoditization, the commercialization of traditional cultures, the loss of cultural authenticity, the destruction of the heritage and historical sites by the swarming of tourists. It can be argued that one of the strongest signs of such impacts is the loss of native language as a result of an invasion of tourist languages (Velachis, 2009). The official language of the city of Mumbai is Marathi with only 42% of the population who are fluent. Other than Hindi being one of the major languages in Mumbai, English in prevalent. As business tourism in India increases, English is widely spoken in commercial communication and the professional workforce (Fulton, 2009). With the major languages of Hindi and English, Bombay Hindi was developed, a pidgin that is widely spoken in Mumbai incorporating Marathi, Hindi and English. The changes in language, has been associated in addition to changes in attitudes and behavior. Other harmful impacts tourism can create are to its attractions. The central aspect as to why people travel. The Girgaum Chowpatty is one of the most famous public beaches and one of the oldest beaches in Mumbai. With the many hotels nearby, Chowpatty draws a great number of tourists. Residents of Babulnath which faces Chowpatty, fear that the heritage, sanctity and aesthetics of the area will be flawed (Thanawala, 2006). Another attraction that is in danger is the Elephanta Caves, which was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Elephantas close proximity to Mumbai and international reputation as a masterpiece has come at an unsustainable level of tourism (Mink, 2009). There has been little effort at preserving the statues and poor crowd control conducted by the authorities. As a result, the already damaged sculptures are in danger of further degradation. According to Mathieson and Wall (1982), one of the major impacts on culture destination is the conversion of the material and non-material structures of local culture, which are called revitalization or commoditization. The Mumbai Tourism Development Corporation has created numerous amounts of festivals specifically to promote tourism in the city. A number of cultural activities including, dance and music recitals are held during these festivities in order for tourists to be able to observe the culture of Mumbai. Tourism can turn local cultures into commodities when religious rituals, traditional ethnic rites and festivals are reduced and to match to tourist expectations. When tourists acquire a vacation as a package, they also purchase culture as a package. Despite how ancient or composite the destination culture is, it is lessoned to a few recognizable distinctiveness. Examples such as arts and crafts, dance, music, buildings and festivals or ceremonies are promoted as a commodity (Mathieson and Wall, 1982). The Elephanta Festival in Mumbai is a cultural festival created to honor and commemorate Indian dance, sculpture and art. It is a major attraction for locals as well as the neighboring city. What is suppose to a be tribute to classical performers and an initiative to popularize Indian classical dance and heritage art form found its main purpose in trying to promote tourism in the state, as it was organized by the Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation. Another negative impact that tourism creates in the culture of a destination is that the put the desires and interest of the tourist without regard to the locals who may have had families and friends that were killed. This was another way for the city to make profit. A tragic event occurred on November 26, 2008 when the terrorist attacks destroyed monuments and injured and killed hundreds of people. This event struck a new found terror tourism. (Shatterjee, 2008). Travelers congregate to the monuments of the Taj hotel, Gateway of India, Cama hospital and Nariman house, which were under terror attacks. Visible bullet marks on walls, windows and roofs, damaged regions and reinstated structures. There has been an increase of local tourists and foreign travelers to Mumbai because of this terror tourism. There are even tour guides and agencies that will give detailed descriptions on the events and show the various places that were under the siege. Although this terror tourism brought the in a set of tourist, it cant be denied the impact it had on Indias tourism industry. Not only did the attack affect leisure travel to Mumbai, it rippled through the entire country with cancellations of hotel bookings. Business travel has also affected the business tourism as many companies have asked employees to restrict travel to India. The wake of this attack has undoubtedly impacted this destination negatively. While retaining the traditional image of cultural tourism in India, diversification of the tourism product would continue, mainly in the fields of leisure, adventure and convention, thus responding to the changing consumer needs (Menon, 1993). Mumbai blends old traditions with new and modern culture. Mumbai is known as the business and entertainment capital and known for the exciting nightlife one can experience, but not for the historic monuments. Little effort was made in preserving the few monuments they already had. If tourists were looking for the old India, it would deter tourists to visit other parts of India, which could hurt the image of Mumbai for being too commercialized. Mumbai is at the point of standardization. This means the process of fulfilling tourists desires (Arzeni, 2009). The landscape, accommodation, food and drinks, etc., must meet the tourists desire for the new and unfamiliar, they must at the same time not be too new or odd because very little tourists actu ally want to see completely new things. Aurangabad, another city in the state of Maharashtra was named the Tourism capital of Maharashtra. Like many other cities in Maharashtra, it is part of the urban sprawl that includes, Mumbai, Pune, Nashik and Nagpur. Unlike Mumbai which has few historic sites, Aurangabad has is tourist hub surrounded by many historical monuments and caves some of which are UNESCO heritage sites. This could create competition for Mumbai who is constantly finding ways to boost tourism in the city. Recently, Mumbai has introduced fort tourism (Buch, 2011). These forts will be able to attract more tourists, but have been poorly preserved and rather than being restored have been tampered with. Tourists want to be introduced to new culture. The culture of Aurangabad is still very much intact, contrast Mumbai who culture is deeply blended with western culture. The city of Mumbai has done a poor job at trying to preserve the few monuments they already have. These monuments are a part of their heritage, but they make it seem they no longer have any pride in their own culture. This could also be said about the food in Mumbai. As mentioned earlier, Mumbai offers cuisines from all over the world, with Chinese being most prevalent. According to the Travel Industry Association of America and the National Restaurant Association (2008), food is central to deciding vacation destinations for at least 25% of leisure travelers. Mumbai has not made any effort to promote their food, which is an aspect of their culture. The state of Kerala, located in southwestern India could also create competition. Tourist looking for sun, sea, and sand can find it in this state. Kerala was named by National Geographic Traveler as one of the Ten Paradises of the World. Mumbai does offer sun, sea and sand from its famous Juhu Beach and Chowpatty. Unfortunately, because of the severely polluted water, it is advised not to swim. Other than being a paradise, what makes Kerala unique is its ecotourism incentives, which it is well known for. Eco-friendly places can be a deciding factor as to why people would choose one place over another. Mumbai has become the new pollution capital with the rapid population growth and increase in number of automobiles. What may make Kerala more desirable is its unique culture, as it managed to remain organic and rich in its heritage. In many destinations, the cultural industries have been recognized as having an important relationship with tourism. As tourism gradually shifts away from its prior attraction of landscapes and natural resources, tourists are becoming more interested with the symbolic and sensory consumption of images and ideas associated with particular destinations (Arzeni, 2009). An example would be Bollywood, or the Hindi cinema. It has become a major part of Mumbai culture. Like Hollywood is associated with L.A., Bollywood is associated with Mumbai. Mumbai is the largest film producer of Hindi film. Tour companies now offer Bollywood tour packages, which offer tours around Film City and in the studios, as well as the residents of Bollywood actors. It is not a historic site, nor is it monumental, but it is one of the most popular attractions in Mumbai. People want to go to destinations that are linked with particular famous people, events, and they want to experience the sights and sounds. (Arzeni, 2009). Though not traditionally part of Indian culture and not found in other parts of India, Mumbai is known for its vibrant nightlife. A typical night out would be exploring one of the many bars and clubs the city has to offer. This is just another example of how a host community fulfilled the tourist desire of familiar facilities. The fact that tourists just want a quick glance of the local atmosphere, a brief look at local life, and no awareness or even interest creates a loss in authenticity which means adapting to the taste to the tourists needs and not taking the time to truly understand the locals and their culture. Culture has been defined in a number of ways, but to simply put it, it is the learned and shared behavior of a community of interacting human beings. When tourists arrive to a destination, they bring their culture which is then learned and shared by the host communities. Though there is no doubt that culture and tourism are related, it can strengthen the attractiveness and competitiveness of a place and the same time hurt it. Mumbai is continually finding ways to promote tourism to their city although they have already established themselves as a popular tourist destination for both leisure and business travelers. What started out as seven islands occupied by Koli fisherman, has developed into the one of the largest and richest metropolitans in the world. Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing global tourism markets and countries that are dependent upon it will find ways to attract tourists, even if it means altering their culture to fit the needs of the tourist. We see ho w negatively tourism can affect the culture of ones community, but it also has its positive aspect. Interaction with the local community can change their perception about the place they had before, dispel any negative stereotypes and are able to learn something about another culture.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Louis Fyne and Miss Rollings in the Film True Stories :: essays research papers

True Stories is not a movie of a town but yet a movie of people that just happen to live in this little town called Virgil, Texas. True Stories had a lot of unique and bizarre characters that each represents a characteristic of a typical American. There were two main characters, in my opinion, which stuck out from all the others. Louis Fyne who represents the common man, and the very lazy Miss Rollings who represents a very typical yet sad American feature, materialism. Louis is a working man who is not necessarily a physical specimen and is getting ready to settle down. Problem is he has not found any one to love. Miss Rollings, on the other hand, is a very wealthy, attractive but aging woman. She doesn’t know it in the beginning of the movie but she is not content as being the lazy women she is. She also is looking for love. Even though these characters are very different at first glance, they have one common interest, which is loneliness. Miss Rollings does not realize that she is lonely until she sees Louis’ performance. Louis’ and Miss Rollings’ search for fulfillment all comes together at the end of the movie for a nice typical American ending, happily ever after. These two characters might have been the main characters but were by far not the only ones that represent a typical American feature. The search for significance and meaning is another American trait in this movie. The cute woman, for example, can not comprehend sadness. Therefore she chooses to ignore all sadness while focusing on all things cute. Then there is the Lying Woman, who personally is my favorite character in the movie. She is apparently dissatisfied with the actuality of her life. She decides to â€Å"improve† her life by telling lies to all that will listen. She creates a whole other personality that is rich and vivid but still false. If you are thinking that there can not be possibly any more American traits in this movie you are wrong. The love for business can also be represented in this movie by the owner of Varicorp, Earl. His love for overall work and business can display what is known as corporate obsession in today’s America. The scene at the dinner table where Earl uses food and china to describe what is yet to come of Virgil and Varicorp displays this obsession.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Shakespeares Macbeth - Renaissance Humanism Essay -- GCSE English Lit

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   While the witches present in Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth assume the role of supernatural beings, it was not Shakespeare’s intent to portray a classic case of fatalism. On the contrary, Shakespeare used Macbeth as a way to display the idea of Renaissance humanism. Although the witches did in fact possess uncanny powers, they were in reality not controlling Macbeth, but rather they were tempting Macbeth to act in particular ways. The witches, as well as other significant characters, may have encouraged Macbeth to act in a certain way, yet they did not by any means determine Macbeth’s actions. By comparing the humanist movement and its values to the tragedy Macbeth, it becomes blatantly obvious that Macbeth was intended to demonstrate the basic humanistic qualities. Under the premise of humanism it is required that there be a centralization and focus upon humans, a balance in which elements within reflect without, and all reason must be used to become more angelic than bestial. Although the witches’ predictions display supernatural properties, their philosophies center around the dealings of mere mortal humans. This gives humans a sense of importance in the workings of the world. Even nature is disturbed as part of fulfilling one of the philosophies (the displacing of Birnam Wood to Dunsinane). Moreover, one of the main themes of the play, the effects of evil in the life of one man- Macbeth, stresses a centralization on the individual being. Through the usage of masks in Macbeth, the balance is achieved by blocking off elements within from being focused without. This is shown in Act I, scene V, as Lady Macbeth talks to Macbeth, she gives him specific instructions: "Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, Your han... ...he appearance of the Weird Sisters in Macbeth, as well as the encouragement of a few influential characters, Macbeth is clearly defined as a portrayal of the true spirit of Renaissance humanism. Macbeth may have attempted to place the blame away from himself, but the fact that he no longer accepted the responsibility for his actions does not mean that the responsibility is removed, and therefore Macbeth’s downfall can be traced back to the actions of one man, Macbeth.    Works Cited Page Cooper, The Mystery of Witchcraft, London, 1617. Epstein, Norrie, The Friendly Shakepeare, New York, Viking Publishing, 1993. Harbage, Alfred, Macbeth, Middlesex England, Penguin Publishing, 1956. Magill, Masterplots- Volume 6, New Jersey, Salem Press, 1949. Staunten, Howard, The Complet Illustrated Shakespeare, New York, Park Lane Publishing, 1979.   

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay on The Great Gatsby -- English Literature

Essay on The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby is a novel about a man who tries to win over a woman he had lost many years ago. Jay Gatsby is the hero in this novel because he stands out amongst the rich. Unlike the rest of the rich people in this novel Gatsby has moral values, and the rest of them can only grasp things of material value. Gatsby spends his whole life trying to hide the fact that he wasn’t like the others. Gatsby never fits in among them because what he perceives of them is all wrong, they were as uncivil as anyone else. Through being less primitive than the rich, determination for love, being ruled by his emotions that erase any doubt, he is quiet tempered; which upholds his greatness, and he is protected by others that tell us of his importance. Gatsby is not as primitive as the rest of the rich humans, he is more mannered and civil. The people at his parties are all wild and not civil, what you would not expect from people of this stature. Gatsby is this way because he has had to earn his money and has not just inherited it like the lazy lot of them. The only other person that comes close to Gatsby is Nick, but we don’t get to see what he would be like with wealth. Throughout the novel Gatsby looks out upon the crowd, when he comes down to greet Nick he is very polite to everyone surrounding him, knowing they spread rumors and lies about him. He doesn’t think anything of it because he knows it’s natural for people to gossip, he can’t judge them on it because it is the crowd he wishes to become. Nick tells Gatsby he is better than the whole rotten bunch of them, Nick realizes this because he knows what it is like to be poor and he knows Gatsby still acts like a poor man, but he has all t... him. He always wants Nick to come with him on things he is unsure of, like when meeting daisy for the first time in eight years (p.83). He needs others to fulfill his confidence in himself, it is how he got as far he did in the novel (money wise). He only meets new people through association with someone else in the novel, he meets Nick through Jordan and Daisy through Nick. He is like this because he expects things to come to him like they have in the past like his job from Meyer Wolfshiem. James Gatsby is the hero in the novel through: his modern acts, determination for love, his conquering emotions, his quiet temperament, and his protected state. A hero is someone unlike the others and Gatsby fills this character perfectly in the novel. Therefore Gatsby is the character and no one else should even be considered for his place in The Great Gatsby.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Indigenous Disadvantage

Working Effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Why are Indigenous people in Australia still disadvantaged with regard to health care and services? For the last 200 years Indigenous people have been victims of discrimination, prejudice and disadvantage. Poor education, poor living conditions and general poverty are still overwhelming issues for a large percentage of our people and we remain ‘as a group, the most poverty stricken sector of the working class’ in Australia (Cuthoys 1983). As a people, our rate of chronic disease is still 2. times higher than that of other Australians, and Indigenous people in this country die 15 to 20 years younger than those in mainstream Australia. More than half of these figures are caused by chronic diseases such heart disease, stroke, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and kidney disease. The majority of these chronic diseases are preventable and while research is continuing to find ways to reduce the risk fact ors, issues such as smoking, alcohol and substance abuse, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and promoting healthy eating and active lifestyles are still major challenges in Indigenous communities throughout Australia.Healthy living choices are not easy for people living in remote communities which results in a high incidence of preventable chronic disease. Good nutrition is fundamental to the maintenance of general wellbeing and the prevention of sickness and disease. It plays an imperative role in pregnancy and early childhood, prevents obesity and type 2 Diabetes and can lower the risk of recurrent heart disease by up to 70%.However, remote communities face many barriers to healthy eating, including isolation, the high cost of food, the variable supply of fresh food, lack of community town infrastructure and inadequate health promotion support, are just a few of these barriers that prevent community people from being able to make healthy living choices. Community programs in the N orthern Territory aimed at building healthy communities are based on nutrition-related Menzies research and work to support community capacity to create a supportive environment for healthy eating and physical activity.These projects operate within the communities and are aimed at influencing food-related policy, promote healthy eating and physical activity, and encourage community engagement in activities for better health. Not as many health services are as user-friendly or culturally appropriate for Indigenous people as they are for non-Indigenous people, adding to higher levels of disadvantage and a greater reluctance to utilise these services. Sometimes this is because more Indigenous people live in remote locations and not all health services are offered outside of major centres.Specific issues such as reducing the incidence of chronic disease requires a significantly greater effort in coordinating collective strengths, creating and delivering preventative programs and primary health care for Indigenous communities and while great work is being done, more efforts are required to reduce the high incidence of chronic disease on Indigenous people and communities. When designing and developing services to meet the needs of our Indigenous people, close collaboration and consultation with the people for whom the service will be provided is vital.There is also much evidence suggesting that Indigenous women are over-represented in our hospitals and health clinics as victims of domestic and family violence. There is no clear measure of the extent to which Indigenous family violence is under-reported, but it is expected to be higher than for the general population (Cripps 2008; Cunneen 2009). In a report to the Australian Government about Indigenous violence, it was suggested that ‘priority should be placed on implementing anti-violence programs, rather than on further quantitative research’.The key risk factors for Indigenous family violence relate t o; social stressors; living in a remote community; levels of individual, family and community dysfunction; availability of resources; age; removal from family; disability; financial difficulties and substance use. Indigenous Australians make up 2. 6% of Australia's population; however they experience health and social problems resulting from alcohol use at a rate disproportionate to non-Indigenous Australians. It is estimated that chronic disease associated with alcohol use by Indigenous Australians is almost double to that of mainstream Australia.In 2003, alcohol accounted for 6. 2% of the overall incidence of disease among Indigenous Australians. According to available evidence, the use of volatile substances, especially petrol sniffing among the Indigenous population is much higher that of the non-Indigenous population. The use of volatile substances has major impacts on Indigenous people, families, communities and the wider Australian community. What resources are needed and req uired to address the issues and explain how you see that these resources be best distributed.What projects need to be done? What makes health services more accessible for Indigenous people? ? Having more Indigenous Health Workers on staff; ? Increasing the number of Indigenous people working in the health sector (Aboriginal, health workers, social workers, doctors, dentists, nurses, etc); ? Designing more health promotion campaigns aimed specifically at Indigenous people; ? Better training of non-Indigenous staff to be more sensitive to the needs of Indigenous patients and to improve cultural awareness; ?Making important health services available in remote locations (so Indigenous people do not have to travel to major centres, away from their support networks and the security of their own community); and ? Funding health services so they are affordable for Indigenous people who might otherwise not be able to afford them. As a result of our history and because of the continuing disad vantage, our people have needs that differ from those of mainstream Australians. Therefore, it is also imperative that we acknowledge and respect the impact of events and issues in Indigenous people’s history when designing and delivering these services.The social determinants of health include if a person is; working, feels safe in their community without discrimination, has a good education, has enough money, and feels connected to friends and family. Social determinants that are particularly important to many Indigenous people are; their connection to land, a historical past that took people from their traditional lands and away from their families. If a person feels safe, has a job that earns enough money, and feels connected to their family and friends, they will generally be healthier.Indigenous people are generally worse off than non-Indigenous people when it comes to the social determinants of health. Additionally, it is important to develop policy and practice to add ress substance use among Indigenous people. Programs addressing alcohol and volatile substance use should be operated in combination with a range of general programs aimed at ‘closing the gap’ between Indigenous people and other Australians in the areas of education, employment, income and housing. What strategies can be put into place to a. vercome access, equity, disadvantaged issues and; b. to make services culturally safe? A strengths-based approach involves working from a community’s collective strengths to assist them to address their challenges. Bringing together different people with specific skills to collectively address issues, communities can provide local solutions issues specific to their local area. This approach includes the practice of using culturally appropriate and consultative strategies, however, strengths-based approaches also focus on maximising the strengths of contributors.By doing so, the targeted interventions are more likely to realis e long-term change because they empower our communities to provide practical solutions that are appropriate for them (Haswell-Elkins et al. 2009; Leigh 2008). Australia has committed to developing strategies to address the causes of Indigenous disadvantage and six key areas have been identified as targets to reducing the divide between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. These targets are to improve life expectancy within a generation; to halve the mortality rates for Indigenous children under five within a decade; to nsure all Indigenous four year olds in remote communities have access to early childhood education within five years; to improve reading, writing and numeracy achievements for Indigenous children within a decade; to improve the number of Indigenous students in year 12 attainment or equivalent; and to improve employment outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a decade. A substantial amount has been invested in improving Indigenous health outcomes and the way the Australian health care system prevents treats and manages the chronic diseases that shorten so many Indigenous Australians' lives.The aim is to reduce the risk factors for chronic disease in the community such as smoking, alcohol and substance abuse, improve chronic disease management and follow up through our health services, and increase the capacity of our acute care workforce to deliver effective care to Indigenous people with chronic disease. How can we advocate for anti-racism policies? Although many other Australian minority groups have been reported to be experiencing racism in our country, the experiences of racism are most protracted among our own Indigenous people.Racist attitudes toward Indigenous people may be viewed as having two dominant waves; the first wave was predominant during the first 170 years following the arrival of the First Fleet, and the second was in the post-referendum era, which led to changes in Australia’s constitutio n that formally recognised Indigenous people as part of the Commonwealth of Australia. The belief in superiority based on skin colour was justified by the framing of Indigenous Australians as inferior humans. These politically entrenched attitudes justified dispossession of Indigenous people from their homelands.Dispossession resulted in reluctance by mainstream Australia to acknowledge land rights, loss of spiritual values, disrupted law, and disconnection from land, community, family and cultural values. Most policies were backed by legal provisions instituted by Australian state governments. For example in Queensland, laws enacted treated Indigenous people like prisoners, with little freedom of choice. They were required to work without pay and prevented from undertaking traditional cultural practices.These policies created a sense of powerlessness, hopelessness, stress and related illness. Today, there remains no ‘quick fix' solution to changing the levels of disadvantage that have been generations in the making. To move forward we must learn from the past and build through good practice and recognising that there are successful public, private and community sector programs and initiatives that have made substantial progress. Addressing disadvantage places responsibilities on those providing support and assistance and on those receiving it.For those who provide support there is a duty to those being assisted; for example, it means service providers should: work together with local Indigenous people and their communities; recognise and acknowledge our history and the consequences of past policy and practice; and empower local Indigenous communities to help themselves. For the communities being assisted, there is a responsibility to help ourselves as best as we can, this might mean looking for information on available services, assisting service providers to improve delivery outcomes, and recognising and addressing personal barriers to improvement.Some Indigenous communities have identified that taking responsibility in education and employment is an important part of the way forward. In other communities, the importance of individual and family commitment to a healthy lifestyle has been identified. Meeting these targets will also require our own people to take responsibility for implementing some lifestyle changes if the problems of obesity, diabetes and substance abuse are to be improved. Local, Territory, State and Federal governments and peak Aboriginal bodies have collective social responsibilities to Indigenous people as their constituents.Governments are responsible for ensuring that citizens have access to the resources and the opportunities needed to take their place in our society. Governments have the responsibility to ensure programs and services do not produce welfare dependency or other unintended consequences. Finally, Australian governments have responsibilities under the international treaties that Australia has entered into. References Review of volatile substance use among Indigenous people. d'Abbs P, Maclean S (2008) Volatile substance misuse: a review of interventions.Barton, ACT: Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing www. healthinfonet. ecu. edu. au Supporting the Yolngu Life: Yolngu Walngakum. Building healthy Communities www. menzies. edu. au Dunn KM, Klocker N, Salabay T (2007) Contemporary racism and Islamaphobia in Australia: racializing religion. Ethnicities; 7: 564-589 Angelico T (1993) Wellness and contemporary Australian racism. In: Collins J, ed. Contemporary racism in Australia, Canada and New Zealand: volume 2.Sydney: University of Technology: 237-258 Lewis W, Balderstone S, Bowan J (2009) Events that shaped Australia. Sydney: New Holland Publishers Trudgen R (2000) Why warriors lie down and die: towards an understanding of why the Aboriginal people of Arnhem Land face the greatest crisis in health and education since European contact: djambatj mala. Darwin: Aboriginal Resource and Development Services Inc. Howitt R, McCracken K, Curson P (2005) Australian Indigenous health: what issues contribute to a national crisis and scandal?. Geodate; 18(1): 8-15

Friday, August 16, 2019

Accounting consultation Essay

My future career choice is to become an accounting consultant; this job would require me to create financial reports, pro-forma financial statements and reports for businesses. I would have to analyse, interpret and evaluate financial statements and reports for various authorities accounting consultants help businesses with all of their financial needs. In order to become an accounting consultant, I would have to upgrade my mathematical, technical and accounting skills. I can better my skills in accounting software’s, I can do this by taking courses online that teach me how to use specific accounting software’s, taking this course would help me to progress in my career path as I would have the knowledge and this would help me stand out from other people, giving me a better chance of getting a job to be a successful accounting consultant. See more: Homeless satire essay Examples of websites that have online course that can teach me on how to use specific software’s are: and I can improve my skills in accounting by gaining a degree within an accounting course at university. Gaining a degree would mean that I would have three years to learn about accounting thoroughly and this would help me to gain the skills in accounting that I need, it would also help me improve my mathematical and numerical skills as accounting already consists of numerical skills so whilst studying the subject, my numerical skills should also improve. Another way that I can upgrade my accounting skills is by taking a professional accounting course, an example of a course that I can take is AAT, this course will give three qualification at the end and will give me the chance to learn practical skills to prepare me for my career choice, It teaches all the accounting skills that I would need to become an accounting consultant. For me personally I think a degree in an accounting related course is the best option as I believe that the learning is more intensive which means that I will be able to learn more thoroughly and also I will have the option of taking a sandwich course which means that I would not miss out on the real life practical side of accounting. The courses that I have applied for university are: 1. Business with accounting 2. Accounting with finance 3. Accounting with management I have chosen these courses as they all will allow me to reach my future career goal. I have not chosen to do accounting on its own as I believe that It can limit my knowledge, studying another topic will further my knowledge as I can see how accounting can relate to other subjects. By the end, I hope to have achieved a BSc degree in an accounting related subject with either a first or a 2:1. This print screen show the information about the AAT course, I have found out all the information about the course from this website. This print screen is of an online forum that discusses the pros and cons of both the course and a degree, this helped me come to a decision as all the discussions were from the point of views of students as well as professionals. Research Skills: I have used research skills both during my business course and during my UCAS application. I have used research skills in the units in the business course as I had to research various things in order to complete assignments and course works. A specific unit where I had to use research skills in unit 31 as this unit required me research about different businesses and find out things like their policies, their history and also trends. I used research skills during UCAS to find out about different courses available and I had to research university’s that we the best for me. Over all I think I have used my research skills well as I have researched effectively and found out the information that I needed. Literacy: I had to use literacy skills whilst completing my UCAS application as I had to write out a personal statement, which required me to have immaculate literacy skills, however I do not think that I have used the skill well as there were many mistakes in punctuation. I have also used literacy skills during my business units for example in Unit 15 I had to create posters and reports, these documents required good literacy skills although I do not believe that I have used the skill very well and grammar and punctuation  required a lot of improvement. Planning: I have to plan all my work within my business course, I need to plan to ensure that the work is handed in on time and it is not done at last minute to ensure that the work is presented at the best of quality. I believe that I am using this skill well as I have not handed in any work late, however I do occasionally find y self-completing work last minute which needs to be improved. Decision-making: I had to use decision making skills while completing my UCAS application as I had to make the correct decisions as to which 5 universities I want to apply to, I believe I have carried out this skill well as I decided realistically as I only applied to the universities that have the requirements that I can meet also I based my decision on the units the universities courses have. Problem solving: During unit 15 there were alit of problem solving tasks, i have tried to solve all the tasks however there were a few that I could not solve. I have to also do problem solving in unit 5, as I had to solve problems within a cash flow, I had successfully solved all the problems within the data. Time-management: I need to ensure I have good time management for both UCAS application and the Business course. I need to make sure that I hand in by UCAS application by the beginning of December, I believe I am managing my time effectively as I am ready to hand in my application and It is the middle of November. I also need to ensure that I have good time management Ability to prioritise:

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Business of Being Born

The Business of being born The Business of being born is an informative film that highlights us how hospitals turned into businesses and who actually benefits from the medicalization and the money that is made. We could see women giving birth naturally at home and others in hospitals and what has happened to women throughout the years in regards to childbirth. Also, doctors and midwives are interviewed which gives us a perspective from both sides.Before watching this film, I did not know about the â€Å"designer birth† which consists in scheduling deliveries and C-sections. This showed me how women prefer the medical aspect of birth that involves physicians. As one of the mothers said midwifery is â€Å"done†; it has become part of the past. In the US, midwives attend less than 8% of births because of technological and medical advances.Formerly, women including midwives used to give birth more than men before male doctors took over hospitals, turned them into â€Å"pat riarchal† institutions and made business out of it. However, we have to recognize that they should be remunerated for their services. Some mothers perceive surgery as an efficient and less time consuming medical technique. It has become uncommon and rare to see †fully† natural birth in hospitals. Doctors make decisions for monetary and legal reasons. These decisions can even affect the health of the mother or the baby.The use of Protozoan (medication that causes contraction) or Pitocin (helps inducing labor) and the practice of the Cesarean, which is a doctor-friendly technique, only reinforce the authority of doctors and the influence of their techniques on women bodies. Moreover, I found revolting that the United States has the second worst newborn death rate in the developed world. The medicalization of childbirth is challenging women’s confidence and self esteem. As one of the informant said â€Å"convince them that they do not know how to birth and the â€Å"power of birthing is taken away from women†.

Cloud of Sparrows Short Summary Review

Cloud of Sparrows by Takashi Matsuoka 1. The book takes place in 1861, after Perry opens the door to Japan. After centuries of isolation, Japan is lagging behind in ways of science and weaponry. The main character, Lord Genji, is Lord of the Okumichi Clan. He and his family are cursed with visions of the future. His uncle, Lord Shigeru, sees the coming bloodshed and massacre in Japan’s future and slaughters his wife and children to prevent them from suffering through it. Heiko, another character, is a ninja who masquerades as a geisha. She falls in love with Genji, and later confesses to him.He explains that he already knew of her dubious nature and returns her love. Though later, after learning of her irredeemable origins, Genji can no longer feel the same toward her and sends her to America. Brother Zephaniah is a priest wishing to save the â€Å"crude heathens,† but dies shortly after arriving from a gunshot meant for Genji. Emily, an American missionary engaged to h im, is running away from her destructive beauty to Japan, where she is thought of as repulsive. She felt no feelings of love toward him, but agreed to the proposal because he protected her from the horrible men who sought to ake advantage of her. Stark accompanies Emily and Zephaniah, but instead of hoping to spread the â€Å"True Word,† he is after revenge. He is in pursuit of Ethan Cruz, who murdered his beloved Mary Anne and her two daughters. Ethan murdered them because Stark murdered his father-like mentor who ran the whorehouse when he wouldn’t let Mary Anne leave. Kawakami is Genji’s enemy and despises him above all things. He takes great pleasure in knowing what others do not. They are enemies because years ago, there was a great battle at Sekigahara and their families were on opposite sides. Both sides re convinced the battle is not truly over and seek to eliminate each other completely. Genji takes the missionaries into his care in the capital of Edo, but when foreign ships fire on Edo, they travel to the well-fortified Cloud of Sparrows castle. 2. Shigeru has visions of the coming bloodshed and mutilation of Japan. This takes place before the wars and defeat of Japan by the British and later, the Russians. I was surprised by the loyalty the characters exemplified, and how easily they shed the blood of those they had known for years. 3. The author is trying to show how honorable Japan was, and how tragic the all of the old ways. He wanted the reader to understand how the Japanese felt and thought, and what a dramatic effect the introduction of guns had on their society. He wanted the reader to feel the depressing sadness and most of all, the painful loss of centuries of history and tradition. I feel that he conveyed this very well. I really cared about the characters and genuinely wanted them to prevail and maintain their way of life, so it was really hard for me to know that in the end, no matter what, history would remain the s ame. They would be defeated, and their country would forever change.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Bowling for Columbine

Bowling for Columbine At one point a reporter acts as though he is bothered by the tragic killing of a six year old girl but when the camera is off is only worried about how his hair looks. Moore shows that through the fear induced by the media many Americans are desensitized to the vasy amounts of violence and gun related crimes and turning a blind eye towards a solution to it. In the graph provided with this assignment we see that violent crimes have actually gone down year after year and yet every time we turn on the news we are assaulted with violent images and reports of gun violence. The media keeps gun deaths and violence first and foremost using the news, newspapers, magazines, talk shows, etc to keep us in a constant state of fear. In the film we see the town of Virgin Utah passed a law requiring all residents to posse firearms but why would you want more guns? Because the media induced fear that without a gun you will become the victim of someone with one if you don’t. Who benefits from this fear? Well first gun manufacturers, As we’ve seen with the massive amounts of guns purchased following the tragedies of Columbine and Sandy Hook. Second would be the media, People tuning in to the news or talk shows or even buying a printed publication to read about the latest tragedy. Third would be defense manufacturers, People buying bullet proof jackets or bullet proof backpacks for their kids or even schools buying metal detectors. And finally the government, By keeping the public fearful it makes them predictable and therefore easier to control. And why would these companies and organizations want us to remain ignorant and fearful? Because of money. If you are fearful that your neighbor might harm you or your family then your more likely to run out and purchase a gun or home security system therefore generating huge profits for those keeping us fearful. If you think another country might do us harm you are more willing to go along with spending increases for the military without any hard proof. A government report comes out about increases in crime in your area and how more police are needed and they convince you to vote for tax increases to pay for these. This leads to reinforced ideas like don’t tread on me or an eye for an eye, If someone might do me or my family harm then I need to defend them. This has a legitimizing effect because unless guns are removed or the media stops reporting mainly negative and violent news people will continue to do each other harm. Even without the media stirring up fear there will still be violence and crime but would there be such high levels of violent crime? Personally I don’t believe there would be. Did this tragedy spark a moral panic? Yes and it’s evident in almost every high school in America these days. When I was in high school you could leave the campus at any time you wanted and during lunch time many students did. These days most high schools have a closed campus so you can’t leave for lunch or at any time you choose. In some schools they have cameras everywhere as well as metal detectors and security guards. In the past if a student joked about doing something horriffic, Like shooting up the school, Most kids laughed and didn’t take it seriously but today you could be expelled for it. You could even been expelled for something ridiculous like dyeing your hair blue or folding a piece of paper into the shape of a gun and pointing it at someone. I feel that this tragedy has started some serious discussions about gun control and violence in our society but until we reign in the media and hold those accountable for the massive levels of violence in the news, movies, tv, video games, and American life in general no ground will be made. In todays society we often forget about tragedies almost as quickly as they happened because of the next latest horrible event we are fed by the media. Bowling for Columbine Bowling for Columbine Bowling for Columbine At one point a reporter acts as though he is bothered by the tragic killing of a six year old girl but when the camera is off is only worried about how his hair looks. Moore shows that through the fear induced by the media many Americans are desensitized to the vasy amounts of violence and gun related crimes and turning a blind eye towards a solution to it. In the graph provided with this assignment we see that violent crimes have actually gone down year after year and yet every time we turn on the news we are assaulted with violent images and reports of gun violence. The media keeps gun deaths and violence first and foremost using the news, newspapers, magazines, talk shows, etc to keep us in a constant state of fear. In the film we see the town of Virgin Utah passed a law requiring all residents to posse firearms but why would you want more guns? Because the media induced fear that without a gun you will become the victim of someone with one if you don’t. Who benefits from this fear? Well first gun manufacturers, As we’ve seen with the massive amounts of guns purchased following the tragedies of Columbine and Sandy Hook. Second would be the media, People tuning in to the news or talk shows or even buying a printed publication to read about the latest tragedy. Third would be defense manufacturers, People buying bullet proof jackets or bullet proof backpacks for their kids or even schools buying metal detectors. And finally the government, By keeping the public fearful it makes them predictable and therefore easier to control. And why would these companies and organizations want us to remain ignorant and fearful? Because of money. If you are fearful that your neighbor might harm you or your family then your more likely to run out and purchase a gun or home security system therefore generating huge profits for those keeping us fearful. If you think another country might do us harm you are more willing to go along with spending increases for the military without any hard proof. A government report comes out about increases in crime in your area and how more police are needed and they convince you to vote for tax increases to pay for these. This leads to reinforced ideas like don’t tread on me or an eye for an eye, If someone might do me or my family harm then I need to defend them. This has a legitimizing effect because unless guns are removed or the media stops reporting mainly negative and violent news people will continue to do each other harm. Even without the media stirring up fear there will still be violence and crime but would there be such high levels of violent crime? Personally I don’t believe there would be. Did this tragedy spark a moral panic? Yes and it’s evident in almost every high school in America these days. When I was in high school you could leave the campus at any time you wanted and during lunch time many students did. These days most high schools have a closed campus so you can’t leave for lunch or at any time you choose. In some schools they have cameras everywhere as well as metal detectors and security guards. In the past if a student joked about doing something horriffic, Like shooting up the school, Most kids laughed and didn’t take it seriously but today you could be expelled for it. You could even been expelled for something ridiculous like dyeing your hair blue or folding a piece of paper into the shape of a gun and pointing it at someone. I feel that this tragedy has started some serious discussions about gun control and violence in our society but until we reign in the media and hold those accountable for the massive levels of violence in the news, movies, tv, video games, and American life in general no ground will be made. In todays society we often forget about tragedies almost as quickly as they happened because of the next latest horrible event we are fed by the media. Bowling for Columbine